
04 September 2015

Top Tips on Video Marketing You Can Use Today!

2015 is driving the way we market our businesses and products into the future fast. Over the last 5 years concepts have changed rapidly, seeing the disintegration of paper based marketing techniques, and the rise of a more social and interactive form of marketing. One method in particular is becoming a favourite for online companies everywhere: video.

The statistics are out there for all to see; an over view of which can be seen here through Visible Measures’ analysis. The proven benefits of video campaigns, marketing, advertising and demonstrations are multifarious, and many benefits are exactly what membership organisations are looking for. They’re engaging, they’re sharable, they get a company’s ethos and brand across in a memorable manner, but above all, they can be personal. Video is a great tool not only to communicate what your organisation does, but also to connect with members about who your organisation is.

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Whether your aim as an organisation is to encourage a generation of professionals into your industry, to share an appreciation for a popular hobby, or to inform the public of important issues and values; incorporating video into your marketing strategy is a sure-fire way of engaging your audience and driving new members. With 82% of companies confirming that video had a positive impact on their business, and 70% of organisations increasing their spend on video, it’s a good idea to move with the times and get ahead in your field by making video a part of your process.

The beginning on 2015 saw Senior Internet launch a video platform for the Design and Technology Association called DTTV. Our relationship with them began last year, when we learned that they were looking to build a video website to help the D&T community share and connect with other members. The platform showcases lectures and ‘how to’s’ as well as campaigns and competitions like the Great British Bake Off.

Get in touch to see how Senior Internet can help you incorporate video into your web presence or marketing strategy.

Feel free to get in touch through our Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ or contact us 


Words: Christine Hassall
Graphics: Charlotte Richards

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