
09 February 2015 Christine Hassall

Easy navigation




A user-friendly website that communicates exactly what your Membership Organisation is about in a simple way is paramount to member engagement. At Senior we design each website with your members in mind, and work together with you to meet their needs.



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For a site to be engaging it’s got to encourage a user to want to stay a while, to take advantage of its different features and to communicate what the user wants to know straight away. If a site is too wordy, if the menus are bulky and over-crowded, or if a user can’t quickly find the things they’re looking for, then your site visitor won’t become a member.


Here are a few things you can do to make your site user friendly:

Clean up your home page
Condense a heavy amount of information into infographics or downloadable documents.

Simple and organised navigation
Have 6 or 7 subjects on a top navigation with drop-down menus to make your site look clean and simple.

Consistent design
Make sure your fonts and sizes are all matching and consistent throughout the site. This will help your members focus on your content.

Pictures and images
Studies show that people are more likely to remember information if they engage emotionally with it. A photograph or graphic will make you memorable.

A dynamic home page
We are automatically intrigued by movement and want to find out more!

Feel free to get in touch through our Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ or contact us 


Words: Christine Hassall
Graphics: Charlotte Richards

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