Archive News

27 July 2016

Advanced resource library

The documents available within your current website contain a lot of valuable information, but the search is not intuitive and uses a combination of filters to find related results. Senior are working on a visually engaging resource library, collating all online resources into one central hub. This will give your user much more visibility of resources, with the aim to increase downloads and purchases. Each resource can have the following information available to the user before downloading (by default, other fields can be added):

  • Resource type
  • Resource size
  • Featured image/icon
  • Category (colour co-ordinated)

Security – Easily set the security on the document deciding if the content is public facing or member-only. Having this visible to all users will show member benefits, with a link through to join/login when clicking a locked document.

External documents – The document library will allow the you to insert external links to the document library giving consistency to the website, the more useful information stored within the website will mean greater authority through search engines.


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