Grow your membership

Welcome to our Grow Your Membership page! We’re offering you a special gift! 

It’s a gift of two parts; first grow your cress seeds – just pour them into your box and all they’ll need is a little water and a warm sunny shelf to sit on.

We’d love to see how your seeds are getting on, so go ahead and take pictures of your box, or you and your team helping them to grow! Facebook us or send us tweets as your cress grows, and you can including the hashtag #GrowYourMembership connect with us!

Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.

James Cash Penney

Secondly, and most importantly, we’re offering you the chance to grow your membership! Think of the cress seeds as your potential members out there. Senior Internet will work with you to attract new members with a great website, online presence and offline marketing, and after that it’s easy! Nurture your members with information relevant to them using the perfect CRM, like Microsoft Dynamics, and a CMS that is easy to use and update, like RiverCMS!

We’ve provided our services for membership organisations of all shapes and sizes across the UK and each one teaches us something new about the membership community. We know from our work that growing your membership base is one of the most vital goals and we’re well equipped to help you achieve this in 2016.

Request a pack

Request here
Senior cress box

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