
11 September 2014

Communicator Award - Newsworks 2014

About the Communicator Awards

The Communicator Awards is the leading international awards programme recognising outstanding work in marketing and communications. Each year it welcomes over 6,000 entries from companies and agencies of all sizes and the Awards enters its 20th season as one of the largest awards of its kind on the world.

Aims of the website

The Newsworks website is a ‘must-visit’ intellectual authority and resource portal for media agencies, brand owners and stakeholders for the facts about national newsbrands. 

Engaging and packed with key facts, the website has been a major part of the campaign to rebrand Newspapers to Newsbrands. To help to achieve this, funky animations and viral campaigns, as well as microsites to support industry events and awards features were developed.

Another key aim was to present content to be downloadable and reused in agency and media buyers presentations, through use of info graphics, presentations and up-to-the-minute industry leading key readership stats available to download as graphs.

Special features

Stand out features include innovative marketing strategies like the Geek Calculator , which attracted 100,000’s of visitors over a couple of weeks over the Summer and proved an incredibly successful viral campaign.

Other outstanding features include an internal website search facility, social media integration, news and industry leading readership demographics and innovative use of infographics.


The Newsworks site has just received its 2nd international award since its launch in 2012, and it’s easy to see why! Fully responsive for all mobile devises; the team at Senior are constantly working hard to make sure it remains fresh and innovative. 

Senior’s work on the Newsworks site has led to Senior officially becoming one of the only UK based web agencies to have been recognised for our work by the Communicator Awards.

In case you missed it...