15 December 2016

3D and virtual: how these realities tell us what we want from design

2016 saw huge innovations within the world of 3D printing. So huge that it’s almost unbelievably sci-fi. We’ve been able to 3D print inanimate objects for a good few years now, but what we’re starting to see is this concept being put to practical use. In sport, athletes can now have their bodies scanned and print out swim and gym wear that fits their bodies perfectly. In medicine, we are now advancing so fast that 3D printed organs will soon be transplanted into people’s bodies, potentially making the need for donors obsolete. In the food industry – and this one really blew my mind – you can 3D print sweets! You can even take a scan of your own face and have it printed in jelly form!

Virtual and augmented reality exploded into life in 2016, with one of the year’s biggest fads, Pokémon Go! topping the download charts only to quickly plummet back down once the novelty had worn off. Here at Senior, a few of our staff spent their summer days wandering the streets in search of an elusive jiggly puff as did millions the world over no matter what their age. Virtual and augmented reality has a universal appeal, and offers an immersive experience that can’t be captured in any other form.

What does that mean for your organisation?

As with most innovations over the last 30 years, digital developments which originate in the entertainment world – whether computer games or CGI films – will gradually filter down into the marketing industry. QR codes were a gateway to virtual reality and have been in use for years, linking the user to a webpage, product or useful discount through an app on their phone, and augmented reality will be no different. We'll be able to combine VR and AR with marketing campaigns effectively; for example creating a print marketing campaign inviting your members to download an app which will place their face in a seat on the invitation they've received.

Next prediction - Clean it up: how to say a lot with a little

Ask the experts - Charlotte, Graphic Designer


What do you think we'll see in 2017?

  • I think cash will become somewhat obsolete. Not going to go just yet but with apple pay and the Amazon shop it looks like it will be phased out or just not necessary.

Marianne, Project Co-ordinator


  • Andy informed me the other day that Paint is getting upgraded!
  • Also Crash is back! Roll on 2017!

In case you missed it...